Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

It's Mother's Day! My family is always amazing to me. I am so blessed! Here are some of the special gifts I was presented. may be noticing the plaque. It's just a joke. My house wasn't clean last week either. But look at all the precious gifts from my sweet family! My heart is full. 

A sweet little plant and picture from my birthday girl. I love school projects!

From my sweet husband. :)

Nothing beats a hand made Mathr's Day card!

Or a note laboriously crafted by someone for whom writing does not come easy...

 Or a picture of a sparkly mother and daughter pair standing happily on a sparkly hill in the sparkly sunlight.

These beauties were given to me by my own mother.

Yes, I am a very blessed mama. I have some amazing kids and a husband I wouldn't trade for anything. It's been a beautiful weekend of celebrating family, cheering on my track star son, honoring my Grammy and my mama, dressing up in matching dresses and spending some wonderful time with my favorite girls, snuggling, and worshipping. I am so blessed. I hope your Mother's Day was amazing, too. If your day was difficult because you miss your mama or your little one(s) please know that you were thought of today as well. Space was held in our hearts today for all the mamas in waiting and the mamas of little souls waiting for them on the other side. 

Whoever you are, thank you for what you do for mothers and babies. Thank you for smiling at the nursing mama at the park. Thank you for encouraging the mother of the tantrumming toddler in the grocery store. Thank you for giving the teenage friends of your own kids a safe place to hang out. Thank you. Parenting is really hard work and we need you. We need you to share your experience and advice. We need your listening ear. We need your prayers. 

Thank you for caring and supporting. Keep it up!



  2. I LOVE this post! Your gifts are way too cute!! You are such a special Mamma, Amy. :) Thanks for being so great!
